Pennsylvania’s Industry Employment and Wages Report
The Pennsylvania’s Industry Employment and Wages Report provide a detailed view of annual employment and wages by industry and county. Finalized annual data from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages highlight industry and county changes from one year prior. Industries are provided at the 2- and 4-digit NAICS. Certain data must be suppressed due to confidentiality restrictions and are removed from the analysis to provide the most usable data.
More extensive research with the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages data can be done using customizable queries at this link ( Industries are available from 2- to 6-digit NAICS for all counties, Metropolitan Statistical Areas, Workforce Development Areas, and Pennsylvania.
Full Report
The PDF full report of the Pennsylvania’s Industry Employment and Wages Report contains tables highlighting notable industries and counties. It also contains detailed data after the highlights.
Pennsylvania’s Industry Employment and Wages Report (Full Report) (PDF)
The Excel full report of the Pennsylvania’s Industry Employment and Wages Report only contains the detailed data for all counties and Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania’s Industry Employment and Wages Report (Full Report) (Excel)
County Reports