Expand AllClick here for a more accessible versionThe Areas of Interest (AOI) identifies and highlights sub-county areas that exhibit nontrivial growth or decline in employment. Typically, employment analysis focuses on industry and occupation, leading workforce developers to steer job seekers toward growing industries and occupations and away from declining ones. Expanding employment analysis to areas gives workforce developers an additional dataset to consider when working with job seekers. Similarly, economic developers can identify regions experiencing employment growth to build upon such growth, or employment decline to implement intervention strategies.
Areas which experience at least five percent year-over-year employment growth accompanied by an employment gain of at least 25 are considered growing AOI. Similarly, the criteria for declining AOI are at least a five percent year-over-year employment decline accompanied by a decrease in employment of at least 25. When in addition, if the area sustains four consecutive quarters of over the year employment growth or decline per quarter, then it is termed a Long-Term-Growth or Long-Term-Decline area.
Areas of Interest is generated from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) dataset. Data in this dashboard are not comparable to any other Quarterly Census of Employment Wages data or report. Non-economic coding changes (e.g., correcting an employer’s location) could impact the employment level of sub-county areas or falsely identifying an area as an AOI when it isn’t, or not identifying it as one when in fact it is.
County Population & Labor Force Statistics Dashboard allows the user to select a county via a map and view the annual percentage of population age 16+ in the labor force by age group for that county compared to the state. The annual labor force participation rate by age group is also included.
The Industries of Interest (IOI) Interactive Dashboard presents IOI data at the county level. Due to the small number of establishments or dominance of single establishments in some of the industry employment lines, only percentages are shown. You can choose one county by clicking on the map or choose multiple counties using the drop-down menu. You can also specify what industry code(s) to display.
The Keystone Statistics (KeyStats) Dashboard presents a variety of key economic indicators for Pennsylvania and the United States. The dashboard is separated into two sections, with the first having a focus on employment data between the state and the nation as well as GDP and federal interest rates. The second section solely focuses on macroeconomic data for the United States such as consumption, production, and housing investment statistics. This KeyStats dashboard is best used as a visual one stop shop for data that can be used to gain insight into how our economy is doing. Most of the data is updated on a monthly basis with the exception of a few quarterly indicators.
Online Job Postings dataset aggregates online job postings by county and workforce development area (WDA) by several different categories, including industries, occupations, skills, and certifications.
To view a specific category, simply select the tab of the specification you’re interested in along the top of the page. Filters are located on the right-hand side of each tab. The filters “areatype” and “area” will appear on all tabs. These filters will allow you to select the geographic area(s) you’d like to view and/or compare. First, select your areatype (statewide, county, or WDA). The area drop-down box will then update to include only the areas for the areatype you selected.
You will also see additional filters that will vary depending on what tab you are viewing. The “ad type” drop-down box refers to the distinction between “total ads” present during the reference period or “new ads” posted during the reference period. The “level” drop-down refers to the “digit level” (i.e. 2-digit, 4-digit) of the hierarchical North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes and Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) codes. Below that you will also see a “description” drop down that will display more detailed information depending on what category you’ve selected. Examples of the description information include titles for industries, occupations, skills, and certifications. Definitions for the various types of skills and certifications can be found on the “definitions” tab.
The PA Monthly WorkStats Dashboard contains the most sought after labor market information for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The dashboard focuses on monthly updates to Current Employment Statistics, Local Area Unemployment Statistics, Current Population Statistics (CPS), and Unemployment Compensation.
The Unemployment Compensation Claims Dashboard provides an interactive look at the reports located on our
PA Unemployment Compensation Activity page. The dashboard allows you to select a week ending date, the type of claim (initial or continued), and an area (county or statewide) A breakdown of claims based on age group, gender, race/ethnicity, and industry sector will then be displayed.
From year to year employees can stay with the same employer, stay employed in the same industry but with a different employer, find employment in a different industry, or no longer have a record of employment. For each industry these movements are tracked to see how many workers fall into each of these four categories. Similarly, for each year, the same is done for each worker to see what industry and employer (or lack of) they came from. In this way a pattern of movement can be determined for each industry. Some industries have little movement, meaning workers remain employed in the industry from one year to the next. Other industries have a high degree of industry churn. This dataset pinpoints the industries workers come from or go to, which can be useful to determine those industries that feed into a particular industry or the industries workers are leaving an industry for. The worker movement by industry dashboard is a visual display of these movements.
Workers Age by Industry and Area Dashboard provides insight into Pennsylvania’s workforce by industry and age group. Users will be able to select county, Workforce Development Area (WDA), or Pennsylvania to view the employment level and percent of total employment for various age groups. Industry data are available for all industries, 2-digit sector, 3-digit subsector, and 4-digit industry levels, thereby offering four levels of granularity. Data can be used to identify industries with high percentages of older workers that will potentially need replacement in the near future. Data can also be used to identify industries with high percentages of youth employment. Data are not seasonally adjusted, so seasonal variations occur between quarters. Youth employment experiences dramatic seasonal changes especially between the second and third quarters. Data are produced by the U.S. Census Bureau in collaboration with the Center for Workforce Information & Analysis.